An abbreviation for “Linux Apache MySQL Perl/PHP/Python.” These group of free and open source programs are used to run many dynamic websites. Most Joomla sites run with Apache and MySQL. All run with PHP. In addition, JavaScript is now an important part of the Joomla “stack.”

RSS (which stands for, among other things, Really Simple Syndication) that allows you to syndicate your site content. It defines an easy way to share and view headlines and content through newsfeeds. You can find RSS feeds in hundreds of thousands of places on the Internet which allow you to stream their articles into RSS readers - or your Joomla site.

The Feed Display module allows you to display other sites’ RSS feeds on your site, which is a great way to keep your content from being static.

In Joomla, a program that associates a path (URL) with internal Joomla queries. Normally a router contains two methods, build() and parse(). The build() method takes an array of commands and returns a JURI object. The parse() method reverses this and turns a JURI object into an array of commands.

A user level on a Joomla site that is the same a Public except for the Allow permission for the Site Login action. This means members of this group have access only to the front-end access to the site. Should you wish it, a registered user is able to see additional content to that seen by casual visitors to your site.